Thursday, June 23, 2011

Done with the USUAL...Plans to go VIRAL aka Video Blogging

It's only so much that one can do from a computer...let the people see your face, let them hear your voice... it makes a WORLD of a DIFFERENCE...

With the progress that I've been able to make in a short period of time, I feel it's only right that I take this book and kidney movement to the next level through video blogging. With the support that I've gained, I realize that in order to reach EVERYBODY, I must expand....granted, I still will do the written blogs, that won't stop. I've been blessed with a vision, which means I have the responsibility of taking the vision of my book on adoption, kidney transplantation, and daily life seriously.

As stated before, sooner or later the Mae Brown Foundation will be under way...but for now, the planned upcoming vlogs will support everything that I have talked about through blogging as well as on Facebook. Instead of words, you will actually see me and hear me. Besides that, I understand that there are only so many people who are seeing my blogs. With the vlogs, more people have an opportunity to see and understand what my vision is. As I've said before....Don't bring you SMALL visions to the BIG God that we serve...when you dream small, you get nothing, you dream big, and you can change the world....

My generation has been deemed as the “lost” generation, as long as I’m breathing, I will do more than my part to make sure that my generation is not lost. Granted, I can’t do it alone, but just know there are more people like myself that are doing whatever it takes to make a POSITIVE change….we are the future

I've been blessed with a brother and sister team that will be helping me with the recording of the vlogs...I won't say their names right now...they will introduce themselves soon enough...if all goes according to plan, the vlogs will start sometime next month. Be on the lookout on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and of course my blog spot and Twitter accounts. I ask you for your support and love…afterall, we ALL have a testimony, it’s all in how you tell it…

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to seeing you on the vlogs as well Mr. Johnson! I am glad that you are expanding to a visual approach. It's exciting to put a face with the voice! I will be patiently waiting for the vlogs.

