Monday, July 25, 2011

A Fighting Chance....Let the WORLD feel your pain....

Pain has a habit of making us stronger.....

Pain is a part of life.....

Pain is only TEMPORARY....

In this life, we all go through some type of pain. It can be physical, it can be mental, and it can be verbal pain. Through it all, you have to remember that whatever your dealing with, your not the ONLY one dealing with that problem. The key to overcoming and closing out your issue or situation is to open your mouth! A lot of times, we feel people won't understand what it is that we are going through, when the truth is more people understand that what you know. Never be afraid to share what storm that God has brought you out of...afterall, that's good news...right??

As for me, my pain was indeed more physical than anything. I went from being a vibrant kid to fighting for my life on more than one occasion. And trust when I tell you, a kidney transplant is indeed painful enough once you wake up in an ICU room. After I finally recovered from my surgery...I didn't tell many people for the simple fact of me being 17 years old. I was still in high school at the time, and I felt my classmates wouldn't understand my situation and what I had been through. My BIGGEST mistake was assuming that others wouldn't understand. As it turns out, I was one of three people who received kidney transplants...amazing God works huh?

After I opened my mouth about what I had was amazing how my testimony was viewed and received. It's a fact that you never know who is watching and listening to you. The point is; whatever you have gone through, speak on might just save a life. At the end of the day, we are all placed on this Earth with a purpose, the key is to unlock your purpose and bless as many people as you can. Granted everybody's path is different, which is great, because that's what makes us unique.

Do what you can to make a difference in this world...I can't stress that enough. We serve a God that has given us hundreds of chances to get things why not treat our fellow man the same way? Think about that.....


  1. I love it Jonathan. Very inspirational!

  2. Sharing the storms of life with other does indeed help not only the person going through it, but someone else as well. When we speak on things that has happen to us, it can be painful at first, but when you have God to help you get through it to share with others; he gives us an understanding of why he put us through that storm. Jonathan your words of wisdom are touching, and you have a light that shines on you! I can't wait for the next one to post.

  3. This reminds me of my daily life after and with in the recovery of disease. I feel the pain both mentally and physically remembering the constant fight and will to go on. Love that you are brave enough to share this. I still cringe at the sight of hospitals, which is ironic that I am working as an admin.ister in one. May God bless you and inspire you to share your story. I have made it my mission to share mine.
