Sunday, July 3, 2011

God doesn't make trash.....He hears your cry!!!!

This blog post is for those people who lost hope…..

This blog post is for those people that were told they wouldn’t amount to anything….

This blog post is for the CHAMPION in all of us….

Living life isn’t always the easiest task. Sometimes life can beat us down to the point that we don’t want to get back up. A lot of times we pray, and we feel that God doesn’t answer our prayers in a timely manner. The one thing that we have to understand is that our time isn’t God’s time, He moves when he’s good and ready. In this life, we ALL have some type of dream or goal that we want to achieve. Through the process of reaching our dreams, we embark on people who will do anything to stop us from getting to that point. And a lot of times, the people that we embark on are those closets to us…crazy huh? But it happens. A lot of times it’s those that are closet to us that don’t have a clue of what God is trying to do in our lives.

The good news is; the storms that we endure are simply a test. Sure a lot of times we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. That light is indeed there, we just have to keep pushing towards it. You must understand that God is GREATER than any PREDICAMENT that we are faced with. There are times when people tell us that are dreams are stupid, childish, or even phony. That’s fine, let those other people talk…afterall, God as has the final say so, and the beauty of it is that God gives us control of our own destinies…it’s just on us to walk into what’s ours. So, instead of complaining…start claiming.

At the end of the day, we are all champions; we just have different roads to our titles. Never forget that God is a bridge builder, so when you’re walking in your darkest hour, trust that God won’t leave you hanging. Granted we might sin daily, which is why Jesus went to the cross for us. So, when others come against you and your dreams don’t fret…just keep pushing. Those people are just misguided…

“When the world brings you down to your knees…you’re in the PREFECT position to pray”


  1. Love this! Very very on point and sooo true! God is definitely a bridge builder!! Amen!!

  2. I am a testament of the power of prayer. If you want to see how God saved a wrench like me, then follow me to

  3. I totally understand when was in my darkest hour, it was nobody, but the God who brought me out of it. Events that have taken place in my life, some people wouldn't have been able to forgive easlily as I had done of what happen too me. I say that is was no one, but my God to instill the peace and understanding.

  4. This is something I have to share because we have so many people who have lost hope and faith. Thank you Jonathan!
