Sunday, July 17, 2011

WHO GOT THE RENT MONEY!!!...Seriously, who has it????

We buy 26 inch rims, but we can't pay our bills....

We can buy 2 pairs of Jordan's at a time, but can't afford diapers....

We can have two cell phones...but NO minutes on either one of them....

In the world that we live in today, a lot times we get caught up in the "Hollywood" life. We see the fancy cars, the houses, the boats, and the list goes on. The thing is, only TWO percent of the United States lives that type of lifestyle. Which means the MAJORITY of us falls in the other ninety-eight percent that don't live that lifestyle. While we all want to have a great and wealthy life, it takes time to get there. The majority of us don't get rich overnight...and for the ones who do, they are what we call those people the "exception".

Just as the blog title says "Who got the rent money?" is a legit question. Often times, we buy things that we don't need. We sometimes get things just because we see somebody else with whatever it is. It doesn't make any sense for you to spend $165 on some Jordan's, but you can't afford a double cheeseburger. There comes a time when you have to put the Gucci and Prada bags down and make sure that your kids are taken care of. Granted, if you can spend all the money in the world and handle all of your business...then this blog isn't for you.

At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to make sure you and your loved ones are taken care of, the luxury life will come in due time. But, you must understand, it's not meant for everybody to be a millionaire, it's not even meant for everybody to be a six-figure earner. Yes, this world is ours for the taking, but God also knows how much we can handle. And as I have said can't expect to be blessed with more when your not grateful for what you presently have....So in everything you do, be goes a long way.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is to true. I believe we all at one time or another have been caught up in the "Hollywood," life. When those bills, or unexpected life situations pop up that's when reality sits in. As a mother, I do think about my child first because I want her to have what she needs. She is a reflection of me and I have to make sure she is taken care of.
