Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Re-inventing yourself 4 God's purpose....We all go through seasons...

In life the one thing that's constant is CHANGE...

As you grow, sometimes you have to let certain ones go...

Waiting time is never wasted time....

In this life, we go through many seasons. Sometimes those seasons last for a short period of time or they can last a life time. Some season that we go through are bad while some seasons we go through are good. At the end of the day, it's life, and we all must live it FULLY. There comes a time where we have to take ourselves out of certain seasons when it comes to re-inventing ourselves for the better. Often times what we are birth into is not where God will keep us. We are not birth to be God's purpose, but we are born to be GREAT.

In order to make it in this life, you have to tap into your VALUE. We don't put enough on how valuable we really are. If you don't do what you are suppose to do, there will be somebody who doesn't receive what they are suppose to get. There is a season where you can be a person's friend, but there comes a time when you have to let them go in order for God to take you where He wants to take you.

If you are not everything that your suppose to be, then how do you figure that your everything that you are suppose to be??? During re-invention, God will add people to your life which means, you will have to let others go. There isn't anything wrong with that. If you aren't careful, those same old people can easily be your can't take everybody with you as you grow into who you are suppose to be. It's not that the people that you leave behind are bad, it's just that a lot of them won't understand the journey that you are about to the end of the thankful for your SEASONS, afterall, you can't grow and expand if you haven't been through anything.... 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, everyone's path is different and there are people in life who may not enhance your greatness at that given time, but later on in life those same people might play a very important role in life, because they too have grown to understand what your journey is all about. It's amazing how God works.
