Sunday, September 4, 2011

All NEW everything...gotta start from scratch sometimes...

Let the PAST be just that...the past....

Celebrate what you have overcame....

Clap for yourself.....

In this life, we constantly make mistakes, we constantly come up short of where we are probably suppose to be. In this life, we hurt people, and often we disobey God when it comes to doing His work. Even in the midst of us coming up short, we are blessed to get another chance to get it right. Granted, none of deserve another chance, but we serve a God that's that faithful to us. I am a firm believer that there comes a time in life where you have to start from scratch. Sometimes you have to start things over, or as we say, "Out with the OLD and in with the NEW."

When you start new, sometimes you have to cry, and there is nothing wrong with that. When you start new, you have to let some people in your life go. When you start new, there will be somethings that you will have to change about YOU. It's no point in changing your surrounds, but you still do the same things that you have always done. Besides, when you continue to do what you have always will continue to get what you have always gotten. It doesn't matter who you are, your background, or what you have done, it's never to late to start over.

One thing that you have to understand, when you find your purpose in life, when you decide to do better in life, some of the people that you are the closet to will not understand what it is that you are about to go into. These are the people that you have to let go. Sure it cane be hard, but once it's done, you will realize the benefit of making the bigger moves in life that will last a life time, instead of wasting QUALITY time on UNQUALIFIED people. Everybody that is placed in your life can be there for a short season, long season, or a life-long season. It's on you to realize what is and whats now.

At the end of the day, always remember that it's never to late to start over and get it right. It doesn't matter if man accepts you are not, cause once God's hand is on your LIFE, you are god to go.

1 comment:

  1. Yep its true, people are in our lives for a time period then when its time to make different moves in our lives some people may not be fit to continue on your team. Beautiful Post! Keep em coming. :)
