Wednesday, June 15, 2011

FIRE and DESIRE....don't be afraid of ADOPTION....

126,000 children waiting to be adopted across these United States.....

Not all of them get adopted.....

Their future can easily go up in flames.....

For you all who read this blog, I'm sure you are thinking that I'm a little of base from my previous blogs...but just read along and it will all make sense...I promise....

Adoption is an everyday event, most times children are adopted into families out of foster care and in other cases, children are adopted within their families. The purpose of this blog is to let you know that these kids are diamonds in the rough looking to give and receive all the love that they can. In some situations, these children are labeled as "slow" or labeled as "high risk" based off their past. That's understandable, but no child deserves to go without feeling the love of a mother, the hug of a father, and the support system of a full fledged family.

Yes, a lot of these children come from questionable backgrounds; but with a little compassion, those backgrounds can be cleaned up. Sure, it won't be an overnight process, but with a little faith, time, and never know what you have in your hands. The child could be the next Barack Obama, Bill Gates, or even the next Freddie Haynes. Sure, adoption is an investment...but it's an investment into a life...a life that could easily be lost without you...whomever you might be...

Adoption is for everybody, that I do understand...I'm just asking you to think about it...afterall, if it wasn't for adoption...the PRODUCT that you see before you wouldn't before you write a kid off cause of what other people say...just think about what a world of joy a child can bring to your life...just ask my parents...they can vouch for me lol....

If nobody has told you that they love you today...just know that I do...

"I love you and it didn't start today"

-Mae Brown

1 comment:

  1. I feel that adoption is a good plan for people who want a better life for their child. Even though I wasn't adopted; I personally was not raised by my parents, but by my family because my parents were not ready to really be a parent for me. My aunt and my grandmother (deceased), which I consider as my mother has been by my side through thick and thin.

    In middle school they consider me an "at risk" student because of the background I come from. I proved the system wrong.

    So I believe that if a soon to be parent know that they are not ready to take upon responsibility and can't provide for that child like they should, then they need to think what is best for their child and take the necessary steps to make a decent life for their child.

