Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Through the WIRE.....

........3 days in ICU

........A month in the hospital

........A month and a half a home recovering

At some point in life, we all go through some type of storm; it might be medical, it might be school related, or even work related...and a lot of times, family related. Whatever storm you go through, just know it's somebody that has been in your shoes at some point. No, this journey we call life is no easy journey. But it's a journey that we don't have to travel alone. When I woke up in ICU...I knew I had indeed had surgery. The pain was so bad that I couldnt really move...but although I couldn't move, I had a mother who could. When I couldn't speak up, I had a mother who could speak for me. When I was crying night in and night out....I had a mother to wipe my tears. The point of this blog....lend a HELPING hand...instead of looking PAST people, look out for them. Imagine if God looked past us when we NEEDED Him the would you feel? We all have a wire to cross through, a bridge to piece together and a river to swim across...but as you do that, NEVER forget the ones who helped you get to where you are now...afterall, we can't survive in this world alone.

"Love, Peace, and Nappiness" spread it!


  1. What you been through is truly a testimony to share too the world because with people in storms such as this, or the ones you mentioned is definitely what we all can relate to. In the mist of these situations we have had some family memeber who has been there for us when we were down, yet did not give up on us and kept us encourage because of their love and faith.

    Sharing the, "Love, Peace, and Nappiness", is defenitely the way to go except I have a relaxer at the moment. LOL!


  2. So true. We need to be willing to help each other more. Nice post!

  3. Thank You Shakara!!! You r greatness!
